Opportunities at Intercreate

This page lists upcoming events and opportunities to participate in our projects. We are always very interested in talking with people about our core values of environment, culture, technology, science and art. To apply or enquire about projects and activities, click the Contact link on the About menu at the top of the web page.
Fluid Dynamics and Kowhaiwhai – a Research Opportunity
A visual comparison of von Karman vortex streets and kowhaiwhai (particularly the kowhawhai of canoe paddles) provides striking evidence of similarity. For background on the concepts click here.
Following discussions with the editors, Intercreate is seeking expressions of interest for working on a project leading to an academic paper to be published in the Journal of Mathematics and Art, published by Taylor and Francis. There is a potential for the project to provide new patterns based on flow modulation and the mathematical properties of kowhawhai.
The Value of Knowledge Transfer at ISEA2015:Vancouver
The ISEA2015 Education Forum The Value of Knowledge Transfer has been driven by artist-scientist and Intercreate Chair Nina Czegledy, whose commitment to expanding the horizons of education has resulted in a multi-cultural event at an important time in our understanding of contemporary knowledge.
Date & time: Wednesday August 19, 2015 9.30- 11.00 am, 11.30- am – 1 pm
Location: SFU Woodward’s Studio D, Vancouver
This year the Forum takes place on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish People.
Water, Peace, Power late January to early Feburary 2016
Water, Peace, Power develops from the highly successful SCANZ 2015: water*peace event held in Nga Motu New Plymouth from January 18th to February 2nd 2015. The themes of water and peace proved to be a magnet for artists worldwide and the local community who attended events.
The theme of Power builds on earlier engagements with alternative energy sources – Haiku Robots from 2008 and The Park Speaks in 2009 utilised 5volt systems, at SCANZ 2011: Eco sapiens Andrew Hornblow led workshops in solar powered art works. More recently Allan Giddy, an alternative energy pioneer participated in SCANZ 2015, presenting a solar powered installation on New Plymouth’s foreshore and facilitating three projects using 12volt power.
From these strands, the aim is to develop art works suitable for placement in the environment, off grid in terms of power source. That in itself requires discussion about what is suitable policy and protocol on placing works in the environment, and a hui will be held to discuss this matter.
It is important to avoid the traps of a colonial attitude to the environment where the environment is subjugated to human will. To not be destructive to the visual and auditory environment requires careful consideration. If you plan to save a tree, it turns out it is better to get a group of people to link arms around the tree, than it is to climb up it. A protocol for art works in the environment is therefore needed, and tangata whenua, scientists, environmentalists, the public and creatives are invited to take part.
SCANZ 2017: energy January to early February 2017
Following the string of successful SCANZ events, beginning with SCANZ 2006: Environmental Response and Connect/Disconnect followed by SCANZ 2009: Raranga Tangata (the weaving together of people) then SCANZ 2011: Eco sapiens, SCANZ 2013: 3rd nature and SCANZ 2015: water*peace it is proposed that the next event be titled SCANZ 2017: Energy.
The project is still in early stages of development, but energy is a theme that connects cultures and knowledge bases. It is something we all need and feel. Energy can be interpreted in many ways, and our use of energy is critical to our daily lives and the future of humanity on Earth.
We are interested in hearing from people looking for internships as designers, web page builders, social media interns, event management interns, artist assistants, video editors, videographers and photographers. If this is of interest to you please contact us using the online form and we can send you a position outline.
Intercreate provides an opportunity for people committed to the environment and multi-cultural awareness to make a real difference.