
Photo of Wai by Jo Tito

Photo by Jo Tito


Celebrating International Peace Day with a call for projects on Water and Peace

This is the call page for SCANZ2015:water*peace. Below is information about project types, application process and the submission link.

Water is essential to survival, revered and respected worldwide for its power, curative and creative abilities. Water as a resource has become intensely politicised and monetised, in contrast to the view that access to fresh water is a fundamental human right. Peace is also essential to the sustainability of humans on Earth. Join us to discuss and put forward positive, connecting views on water and peace that engages our community. This is the first call for projects and residency with submissions due November 8, 2013 (this allows for planning and fundraising). A second call with revised dates will be issued shortly. Read more about the ideas behind the project…






Project components

Noho marae

SCANZ2015: water*peace will be the fifth SCANZ residency and starts in January 2015. It will commence with noho marae (overnight stay) at Parihaka, world renowned as a site of peaceful protest. The stay coincides with the 18th and 19th, when Te Whiti and Tohu, leaders of the peace movement are celebrated.



Open residency

This will be followed by a two week open, creative and interdisciplinary residency. It is our hope that tangata whenua, indigenous peoples, New Zealanders and other global citizens will be able to take part.

We are suggesting that artists, environmentalists, technologists, scientists, writers, performers, dancers, permaculturalists and people interested in the positive aspects of water and peace, all take part. Anyone can submit a project in one or more of the categories listed further down this page.



Temporary works in public space

We would like to have five to seven temporary works in public space, shown for one day or overnight on the final weekend of the residency. These will be sited along a river walkway. No power will be provided at the sites, so solar, wind, and water powered projects are suitable (battery and static install are two further options).



Day of public activities about water, water quality and peace

We are seeking proposals for a day of activities that engage our local community in issues around water and peace.



Night time building projections

We are seeking projection works about water or peace, to be projected on to the side of a local building in the evening.




On the final weekend of the residency there will be a SCANZ hui. Day one is at WITT, the local polytechnic and allows for presentations that require technology, the internet, projectors etc. Day two is a walking symposium to view the artworks and have thematic discussions in the environment of the river walkways.

A separate call for hui/symposium presentations will be made at a later date, through the same application page on Easy Chair.



Categories of projects

Water and/or Peace residency and temporary public work (residency with public exhibition project)
Water and/or Peace residency (residency without an exhibited project)
Water and/or Peace temporary public work (no residency, public exhibition project)
Public activity day project
Night time projection on building
Online exhibition
Pure research




Applicants should download the pdf application form by clicking the link below. This should be filled out and attached to the application made at EasyChair.

IMPORTANT: Fill out the SCANZ application pdf first, then go to Easy Chair and make yourself a log in. After entering your contact information, project title and submission abstract (max 500 words, target 350) with keywords, tick the appropriate category and topic. Upload the completed SCANZ pdf form in the field that says ‘Paper’. In the field that says ‘Attachment’ upload a .pdf, .doc, .docx or .txt which contains a a one page CV and a project image.

A two stage process will be used. Successful applicants will then be able to apply for accommodation and/or food subsidies from Intercreate. It will also be possible to apply for micro budgets for the public event one day of activities and river walkway art works.

This first call for applications is currently closed for review. A second call will be made, and announced via our email list, on Facebook and Twitter.



Submission page and useful links

Background to the project and issues of water and peace.

This short video is made by the people of Parihaka about Parihaka.

Pdf SCANZ2015 Application Form. Right click and download the form, open it in Acrobat and fill it out (Mac users, you cannot use Preview, it has to be Acrobat). Then attach the SCANZ form to your EasyChair submission.

We prefer pdf if possible at this stage. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, scroll to the bottom of this page and there is a link to a Word file.

The Easy Chair submission page. The url in full is

If you do not already have an Easy Chair log in, you will need to get one – the page you go to will prompt you, and once you have activated your account you will go to the SCANZ 2015 link.



Social media

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Follow us on twitter to engage hybrid, interdisciplinary issues covering: art + technology + science + environment + cultural bridging

Join our Placestories project to share resources & discussion about SCANZ 2015 Water * Peace






Call for projects



Water is essential to survival, revered and respected worldwide for its power, curative and creative abilities. Water as a resource has become intensely politicised and monetised, in contrast to the view that access to fresh water is a fundamental human right. Peace is also essential to the sustainability of humans on Earth. Join us to discuss and put forward positive, connecting views on water and peace that engages our community. This is the first call for projects and residency with submissions due November 8, 2013 (this allows for planning and fundraising). Read more…

Noho marae

SCANZ2015: water*peace will be the fifth SCANZ residency and starts in January 2015. It will commence with noho marae (overnight stay) at Parihaka, world renowned as a site of peaceful protest. The stay coincides with the 18th and 19th, when Te Whiti and Tohu, leaders of the peace movement are celebrated.

Open residency

This will be followed by a two week open, creative and interdisciplinary residency. It is our hope that tangata whenua, indigenous peoples, New Zealanders and other global citizens will be able to take part.

We are suggesting that artists, environmentalists, technologists, scientists, writers, performers, dancers and people interested in the positive aspects of water and peace, all take part. Anyone can submit a project in one or more of the categories listed further down this page.

Temporary works in public space

We would like to have five to seven temporary works in public space, shown for one day or overnight on the final weekend of the residency. These will be sited along a river walkway. No power will be provided at the sites, so solar, wind, and water powered projects are suitable (battery and static install are two further options).

Day of public activities about water, water quality and peace

We are seeking proposals for a day of activities that engage our local community in issues around water and peace.

Night time building projections

We are seeking projection works about water or peace, to be projected on to the side of a local building in the evening.

Online exhibition

Links to water and peace resources online will be collated. Included will be a curated selection of online projects about water and/or peace.


On the final weekend of the residency there will be a SCANZ hui. Day one is at WITT, the local polytechnic and allows for presentations that require technology, the internet, projectors etc. Day two is a walking symposium to view the artworks and have thematic discussions in the environment of the river walkways.

A separate call for hui/symposium presentations will be made at a later date, through the same application page on Easy Chair.

Categories of projects

Water and/or Peace residency and temporary public work (residency with public exhibition project)
Water and/or Peace residency (residency without an exhibited project)
Water and/or Peace temporary public work (no residency, public exhibition project)
Public activity day project
Night time projection on building
Online exhibition
Pure research


Applicants should download the pdf application form by clicking the link below. This should be filled out and attached to the application made at EasyChair.

IMPORTANT: Fill out the SCANZ application pdf first, then go to Easy Chair and make yourself a log in. After entering your contact information, project title and submission abstract (max  500 words, target 350) with keywords, tick the appropriate category and topic. Upload the completed SCANZ pdf form in the field that says ‘Paper’. In the field that says ‘Attachment’ upload a  .pdf, .doc, .docx or .txt which contains a a one page CV and a project image.

A two stage process will be used. Successful applicants will then be able to apply for accommodation and/or food subsidies from Intercreate. It will also be possible to apply for micro budgets for the public event one day of activities and river walkway art works.

This first call for applications is due on November 8, 2013. While this is early, it will allow successful applicants to commence planning and fundraising. A second call will be made at a later date.


Useful links

Background to the project and issues of water and peace.

This short video is made by the people of Parihaka about Parihaka.

Pdf SCANZ2015 Application Form. Right click and download the form, open it in Acrobat and fill it out (Mac users, you cannot use Preview, it has to be Acrobat). Then attach the SCANZ form to your EasyChair submission.

EasyChair submission page.

media art project selected

Tipi Nga Rangi by Kura Puke and Stuart Foster

This image of the laser being tested was taken during the SCANZ residency in January and February 2013 (photo by Kalya Ward)

Laser Karakia Artwork Selected as Media Art Project 2014

A project that utilises laser light technology to carry sound has been selected as the Intercreate Media Art Project 2014. Ko Tatou Te Tangata by Stuart Foster and Kura Puke, with Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru and Te Urutahi Waikerepuru, will employ oscillating lights to carry both the human voice and environmental sounds.

The technology was tested at SCANZ, an artist residency held at WITT in New Plymouth earlier this year. Laser beams were sent to a light receptive panel that had speakers connected. The result was that waiata, karakia, karanga and sounds of moving water were transmitted. For the SCANZ project, the karakia was contributed by kaumatua Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru with the tangata whenua, Ngāti Tawhirikura.

Kura Puke (Tapuke) has whakapapa to the hapu of Katere ki Te Moana marae, which extends from the clifftop at Fitzroy, to Te Rewa Rewa Pa on the coastal walkway. Both Puke and Foster are lecturers at Massey University Wellington, while Te Huirangi Waikerepuru and Te Urutahi Waikerepuru direct Te Matahiapo Research Organization based in New Plymouth.

For the Media Art Project they wish to deepen the engagement with tangata whenua and locals, and investigate how to “transform an environment often seemingly subsumed by commercial industry into an awareness of the dynamic layered diversity of the land” which involves embracing “the intangible and the unseen energies” to inquire into and visualise ideas about, wairua (essence), mauri and the virtual.

As the commissioner of the work funded by the Arts Council of New Zealand we are extremely pleased with the calibre of the project, and the way advanced technology is integrated with the local environment, local community groups and customary Maori knowledge.

Background to the project

Intercreate Trust is based in New Plymouth and Auckland, with head office in New Plymouth. Funding was received from the Arts Council of New Zealand to commission a project that inspired “artists and creative teams to think boldly about combinations of cultural ideas and contemporary media technologies, that could be implemented in public space and/or Pukekura Park in New Plymouth. The projects are likely to involve working with local groups.” A second project is under consideration.

The selection process involved blind review, where the selection panel does not know the names of the people applying. While the applicants submit a CV, the CV also doesn’t mention names.

The panelists were: Chris Connolly, Pukekura Park curator; Nina Czegledy, who is the Intercreate International Research Fellow; and Australian based curator Leah Barclay. Intercreate’s Executive Director was not on the panel and ensured names were omitted from the applications, prepared the applications for review by the panel and also collated the panel responses. Rhana Devenport was on the selection panel until she left for Auckland, as was Anna Carrington until her move to Wellington.

Artists full statement

In their application, the artists Puke and Foster stated that “this trans-disciplinary collaboration hopes to contribute to innovative knowledge transfer with the tangata whenua, and to offer an experience that may deepen the engagement of local people and visitors through inclusive visual-aural ceremonial and relational events. They also wish to investigate, through social encounter and art-design culture, how to transform an environment often seemingly subsumed by commercial industry into an awareness of the dynamic layered diversity of the land which involves embracing the intangible and the unseen energies to inquire into and visualise ideas about, wairua (essence) mauri and the virtual.”

Useful links

Intercreate page describing the project and how to apply

Artist links
Kura Puke
Stuart Foster
Te Huirangi Waikerepuru and Te Urutahi Waikerepuru

Maori translation and dictionary site

WITT (Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki) site of SCANZ residency where technology was tested by the artists

Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa The Arts Council of New Zealand, funder of the MAP 2014 project

Media art projects


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