SCANZ2018 Peace, Water, Power

SCANZ2018 Peace, Water, Power


List of events

Hui events and accommodation

Intercreate is going to try an innovative approach to the hui organisation.  While we will maintain peer review for presentation and art project proposals, we’d like the public to at least be able to attend the hui. Therefore we intend splitting the hui into component parts and enable attendance by anyone.

This also means longer break times and koha for meals and refreshments when needed. Those wanting to attend all events will be able to register.

Hui events

Sunday 11 February night gathering and light works
While this event is not yet confirmed, works that utilise LEDs need night time display. Arrival on Sunday for out of towners is recommended as we start at Parihaka in the morning on Monday.

Please bring koha for nibbles and non alcoholic drinks. People can also opt to help out setting out and clearing up. Stay is marae style on the WITT campus.

Parihaka Monday 12th morning session presentations
This is the first session beginning with presentations at Te Niho. Please bring koha for lunch.

Monday 12th early afternoon session at Parihaka – tour of art works
Tour of art works and presentations by artists. BYO non alcoholic drinks.

Monday 12th late afternoon session at Parihaka
Continuing with presentations.

Presentations, leading into the Leonardo/ISAST celebration with Roger Malina live from Texas.


After gathering at WITT


Accommodation in Nga Motu New Plymouth, Aotearoa New Zealand


Here is the Trivago link for single room New Plymouth accommodation arriving Sunday 11th and departing Tuesday 13th February. We need to get to Parihaka early Monday morning, so arriving Sunday is recommended.

A Selection of Other Intercreate Projects

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