The walking symposium was an innovative attempt to have a hui while walking through city and natural landscape, woven throughout the art works. It was rained out on the day and moved to WITT, which did not diminish the level of interesting presentations.

Call for water*peace presentations

Photo of Wai by Jo Tito

Photo by Jo Tito is seeking submissions for a walking symposium to be held on Sunday 1st of February 2015 in Nga Motu New Plymouth as part of SCANZ2015.

We seek presentations based on water and/or peace along the following thematic threads: indigenous awareness, beyond the physical, states of flow, bodies of water, science and measurement, commentaries on peace.

Presentations will be given in the open air along the Huatoki stream walkway. As will be apparent from the discussion threads, a diverse and inclusive hui/symposium is sought. Presenters will be grouped into panels with each person speaking for 10 minutes followed by discussion.

To apply please go to Submissions are open until December 1st.

Images of the Huatoki walkway can be found here.

SCANZ is a partnership between Intercreate, Creative New Zealand and the Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki.