

Live cyanobacteria cultured by artist-scientist Hideo Iwasaki is placed into specimen jars in preparation for exhibition

The image above shows preparation work for the 3rd nature exhibition in Puke Ariki. The cyanobacteria was cultured by artist-scientist Professor Hideo Iwasaki of Waseda University, Japan. Professor Iwasaki grows the cyanobacteria in a form derivative of humans, with a head, body, arms and legs.

The cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria, and are ancestors to chloroplasts in plants. A chloroplast captures energy from the sun, and it is said that cyanobacteria helped to make Earth suitable for life. While on exhibition at Puke Ariki the cyanobacteria will be growing slowly, over a period of two months. Instead of the sun, the bacteria will photosynthesise with the light from an animation projected on to them from below.

The work of art and science raises several questions about the boundaries of life and our relationship to living plants. As Professor Iwasaki says: “They will be living at an interface which is hard to be called artificial or natural, drawing complicated patterns, and die.”

SCANZ2013: Paritutu

Rulan Tangen at Back Beach

Rulan Tangen ‘Walking at the Edge of Water’
Sunset at Back Beach, Paritutu, Taranaki Jan 26 2013
Photograph by Terri Ripeka Crawford

This is the middle weekend of the residency. Some went up the mountain, others gathered late in the day at Back Beach Paritutu.


SCANZ2013: Geolocating

Nga Motu Marine Reserve society

Today’s workshop was held in the venue to be used at WITT for the wananga-symposium. Our guest were Mike Ure, Elise Smith and Anne Scott of the Nga Motu Marine Reserve Society. Mike is also part of the Ahu Ahu beach group.

Mike Ure

Mike Ure talked about Maori understanding of the local coastal area

Elise Smith spoke about the little blue penguin project. The society has been gathering data on the penguins, and placing it online using maps. The aim is for Maori knowledge and creative projects to be added to the same online map.

Elise Smith spoke about the little blue penguin project. The society has been gathering data on the penguins, and placing it online using maps. The aim is for Maori knowledge and creative projects to be added to the same online map.

Anne Scott

Anne Scott from the Marine Society discussing the aims of society projects. Thanks to Martin Drury for the images.

SCANZ 2013: harakeke-flax-raranga-weaving


Photograph by Terri Ripeka Crawford


Today the residency theme was harakeke/raranga (flax/weaving). Jo Tito led the day with a local weaver. First up was harakeke gathering then some making. The image above was taken using a lens provided by Deborah Lawler-Dormer.


Photo by Tracey Benson

Jo tito and Mako Jones, who led the day, gathering the harakeke. Part of the day involved hearing what harakeke means to Maori.


Photo by Tracey Benson


Nigel Helyer and Darko Fritz at Puniho with woven works.

SCANZ2013: Parihaka


SCANZ 3rd nature artists with members of the Parihaka community after we shared a meal. A memorable two days for all engaging with culture and korero about Peace and restoring positive relationship with the environment.

SCANZ 2013: Under the icecap

Authors: Nigel Helyer and Mary-Ann Lea


Under the IceCap is one of a series of creative outcomes resulting from the Bio_Logging Art + Science project at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania.

Bio_Logging is a collaboration between Artist Dr. Nigel Helyer and Marine Scientist Dr. Mary-Ann Lea (IMAS) which seeks to link scientific bio-logging data collection and GIS techniques with the Artist’s interests in interactive acoustic cartography and the development of AudioPortraits that extend the conceptual and intuitive grasp of otherwise extremely abstract data.

In the current phase of our work we are visualising and sonifying complex bio-logging data collected by Elephant Seals on their deep dives under the Antarctic Ice shelves (to depths of 2000 m) and their long Southern Ocean transits (over thousands of kilometers).  We are exploring novel ways to make these data-sets palpable, by manifesting them as a series of experimental music concerts.  Each concert in the series is designed to test the hypothesis that musical training is particularly well adapted to negotiate complex streams of data unfolding in realtime.  We are experimenting with ways for musicians to respond to data-generated 3D mappings, visual scores and direct data sonifications and we are listening for the potential resonances and confluences that bridge the data and the sonic response.

This presentation summarises the first concert, Vox on the Rox (April 2012) at the Conservatorium of Music (Hobart) which will be followed shortly by Dots on the Rox (August 2012, to be presented as part of Australian National Science Week).


Receive SMS Online for Free: A Secure Gateway to Digital Privacy

In an era dominated by digital interactions, safeguarding personal information has become paramount. When it comes to online communication, the demand for personal phone numbers raises concerns about privacy and security. The solution? Receiving SMS online for free through temporary phone numbers, offering a shield between your private life and the digital realm. This article explores the dynamics of using temporary numbers, providing insights into their advantages and a step-by-step guide for seamless integration.

Navigating the Landscape of Temporary Numbers

Choosing to receive SMS online for free involves tapping into the realm of temporary or disposable phone numbers, aptly known as “burner” numbers. These serve as a protective barrier, ensuring that your primary contact details remain confidential. Selecting a reliable platform is the initial step in embracing this privacy-conscious approach. It’s crucial to opt for services with a proven track record, positive user reviews, and a variety of offerings catering to different needs and regions.

Once a reputable service is chosen, the process of obtaining a temporary number is user-friendly and straightforward. Users typically go through a quick registration process, providing minimal information. The platform then issues a temporary number that can be used for various online activities, safeguarding the user’s personal phone number from potential security threats.

The Step-by-Step Guide to Receiving SMS Online for Free

Understanding how to seamlessly integrate temporary numbers into your digital routine is essential for harnessing their full potential. Here’s a comprehensive guide to walk you through the process:

1. Choosing a Reputable Service

Start by researching and selecting a platform renowned for providing secure and reliable temporary phone numbers. Consider user reviews, the platform’s reputation, and the breadth of services offered. Ensure that the platform supports the specific regions or country codes relevant to your needs.

2. Obtaining a Temporary Number

The registration process is typically quick and hassle-free. After selecting a platform, proceed to register and obtain a temporary number. This number becomes a secure conduit for receiving SMS messages without exposing your primary phone number to potential risks.

3. Using the Temporary Number

Put the temporary number to use in scenarios where a phone number is required for verification or communication. Whether signing up for new accounts, authenticating your identity, or receiving one-time codes for secure access, the temporary number acts as a protective shield for your personal information.

4. Disposing of the Number

Once the purpose is served, it’s time to dispose of the temporary number. Reputable platforms offer options to deactivate or release the temporary number, ensuring it cannot be exploited for further communication. This step adds an extra layer of security, reinforcing the privacy aspects of using temporary numbers.

Advantages Galore: Why Opt for Temporary Numbers?

The decision to embrace temporary phone numbers for receiving SMS online for free brings forth a plethora of advantages, making it a compelling choice for privacy-conscious individuals navigating the digital landscape.

1. Privacy Protection at Its Core

At the heart of utilizing temporary numbers lies the advantage of enhanced privacy. By substituting your primary phone number with a temporary one, you proactively shield your personal contact information, mitigating the risk of privacy infringements.

2. Fortified Security Measures

Temporary numbers contribute to heightened security, especially in scenarios where multi-factor authentication or identity verification is paramount. The temporary nature of these numbers reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts, ensuring a secure digital experience.

3. Unmatched Flexibility and Convenience

Flexibility is a key feature of temporary phone numbers, allowing users to engage with online platforms without the need to disclose permanent contact details. This flexibility proves especially convenient when exploring new services or testing platforms without committing to a long-term association.

4. Say Goodbye to Unwanted Communication

Leveraging disposable numbers grants users freedom from the annoyance of unwanted communication, such as telemarketing calls or spam messages. Once the temporary number has fulfilled its purpose, it can be effortlessly discarded, putting an end to any further communication through that channel.

In conclusion, the strategy of receiving SMS online for free through temporary phone numbers stands as a pragmatic and privacy-centric approach to digital interactions. As technology evolves, integrating such solutions into our online practices becomes essential for maintaining control over personal information while enjoying the conveniences of the digital world.