Tīahoaho: bearing light on the Waiw’akai’o

Tīahoaho: bearing light on the Waiw’akai’o by Stuart Foster and Kura Puke, photograph by Shaun Waugh
A projection of image and sound created through a 3d infrared motion sensing device (a ‘kinect’) to ‘bring into light’ aspects of the inter-relationship of Waiw’akai’o awa and the local hapū Ngāti Tawhirikura. The project was presented to locals on Sunday February 8th.
A mihi was followed by a looped projection featuring karanga and pao acknowledging Waiw’akai’o (by Moana Williams and Kurt Komene). This marks the commencement of further ongoing projects; that includes participating in the rejuvenation of the kokowai trail to the source of the Waiw’akai’o ki Taranaki mounga- further research will include footage and documentation of the journey and processes of uruuruwhenua (entering/acknowledging the land) and whanaungatanga (inclusive collaboration).