becoming boulder

julieanna preston

The work was performed on the Nga Motu New Plymouth shorefront in February 2015. Photo by Allan Giddy.

About the Project for SCANZ

As a durational performance work, becoming boulder uses gestures of blending in as a strategy to establish empathy between various live material bodies at the confluence of the Huatoki Stream and the Tasman Sea: the stream waters, the sea tides, the sand, the boulders and my own human body.

Artist Bio

Julieanna Preston

Julieanna Preston

Professor Julieanna Preston is a spatial artist, interior and architectural designer, theorist, and writer researching across feminist philosophy, new materialism and spatial politics. Her primary contribution as an educator stretches from PhD supervision to the new Master of Fine Arts (art and design), the Master of Design and the Postgraduate Diploma in Design at Massey University, Wellington.

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