Sonic Wells Test at Water, Peace, Power 2016

Nigel Helyer stands at Parihaka beside Te Niho and talks to Sydney Australia as part of Allan Giddy’s test of functionality. Photo by Helen Moore.
About the Project
As well as leading the technical creation of works by many participants, Allan Giddy presented a test of Sonic Wells connected live to Sydney (this utilised the same technology as that for his ANZAC Commemoration project connecting New Zealand, Australia and Turkey).
Short Bio
Allan Giddy’s family is from Uruti in north Taranaki, and he now lives and works in Sydney. His pioneering use of alternative energy systems and light in time-based sculpture began in 1992. His practice has expanded into public sited ‘active sculpture’ aimed at reinvigorating public spaces.
He is one of Australasia’s foremost proponents of sustainable energy systems, electronic interconnectivity and interactivity embedded in the physical art object.
His work has been shown in ISEA and TISEA, the Tate Modern and numerous other venues from Canada and Finland to Greece, Vietnam and Bulgaria. In recent years he has completed a number of large public commissions.
Allan has also directed and co-curated energy-in-art exhibitions at UNSW’s Solar Research Centre (SOLARCH), Little Bay, Sydney in 1999 and 2002, Australia’s first solar art exhibit exhibition ‘Desert Equinox’ in 2012, and ‘La Lune: Energy Producing Art’ in 2014, shortlisted for two Australian Event Awards.