
It takes many people to make an interesting, welcoming and thought-full symposium or public event to happen!

We would both welcome and wholeheartedly appreciate the help from local people or others who might be interested to get in the mix of this symposium and residency in some way.

Herebelow are some of the areas where we will really need some assistance in order to make the whole event run smoothly. Below that are the specific areas/roles where we are able to offer a discount on symposium fees.

Please do email us if any of these sound like you, or to go onto a list of people to contact as needs present themselves.


  • publicity wand wielders (online, needed pre-event/now)
  • social media network weavers (online, needed pre-event/now)
  • writers/media, journalists (online or print, needed pre-event/now)
  • pre-arrival enquiry helpers (by email, needed pre-event/jan)
  • car-pooling & transport connectors (online tools, needed pre-event/jan)
  • welcome package wizards (needed pre-event/jan)
  • registration desk charmers
  • presenter technical supporters
  • video journalists/documentors/creators
  • tea & coffee table minders
  • kitchen hands & corralers
  • workshop materials wranglers
  • cleaning/laundry orchestrator


  • publicity wand wielders (online, needed pre-event/now)
  • social media network weavers (online, needed pre-event/now)
  • writers/media, journalists (online or print, needed pre-event/now)
  • car-pooling & transport connector (online tools, needed pre-event/jan)
  • local city guides (The residency participants will have bikes.)
  • local people connectors (needed pre-event/jan)
  • welcome package wizards (needed pre-event/jan)
  • artist event support
  • van drivers
  • food organisers/corralers/inspirers
  • friendly faces!

… and many more we are sure!


Symposium Discounts

Until we get over a certain number of people to the symposium, we can’t give a huge or full discount to volunteers, but can at minimum provide that elusive ‘free lunch’, bringing a day visitor pass down to $45.

If you are not local to the event, here are some ideas for ways to get your marae accommodation covered ($56), in addition to the free lunch ($15) for volunteering:

  • be the car-pooling transport co-ordinator for a major city (online tools)
  • get networking and get 3 or more people along (full registrants or presenters, and ask them to state how they heard on the registration form).
  • network with food producers/sellers, to secure & organise food donations
  • be a van driver (must be mobile phone/textable)
  • be a presentation support technician (must know your way around computers, file formats, and presentation gear)
  • be a kitchen sous-chef (second in chain of command)
  • find and bring a portable cob oven (need to know by Dec 14)
  • Your suggestion here

So do get in touch with us as above if interested. Your input and ideas will be most welcome.

1 reply
  1. Kimberley Collins
    Kimberley Collins says:

    Kia Ora,

    I am currently based in Hamilton where I am employed part time at the Waikato Museum, but applying to study a masters of science communication next year. I think that this is an inspiring initiative and would love to be involved as a volunteer.

    I have experience in public programmes but have also done a bit of personal work in social media promotion through my facebook page listed above.

    I am writing to express interest in getting involved with any future events you have and would love to hear from you! If you require a CV or any references, please let me know!


    Kimberley Collins
    [number removed – and kimberley was a great help! -ed]

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