The Centre for Innovation & Creativity

An integrated model of what we do
The Te Wheke Model has been used in the Health sector, and is here adapted to describe the functions of the Centre for Innovation & Creativity. While there are activities related to projects – Video, Toi, Music and Technology, also important are the notion of Waiora – total wellbeing, whanaungatanga – local experts, Iwi, and Mana ake – the individual. This is a holistic model with a centre composed of Mātauranga Māori aligned with the idea of Integrated Systems. World cultural views and STEAM context for education are consequences of understanding the overlapping relationship between Mātauranga Māori and Integrated Systems.
Creativity, Mātauranga and Toi Māori
[In the words of WharehokaSmith]
Mātauranga and Economies… inclusive mindful and enhancing the potential and integrity existent within all things…Creativity with integrity understanding Mātauranga…
Te Taiao, the Natural Environment. Manaakitanga ki te Taiao” Care for the Environment, traditional systems creative solutions…
Treaty of Waitangi – reinvigorating and managing traditional economic resources… being cognitive of other world views, how can/do new technologies provide aid to big environmental issues…
Engage with Iwi/Community developing a creative economic Marae base “back to the future” “Tu Toa Fern Core” new/next generation Marae care management operations and economic independence…
Toi Māori – Māori Visual Arts in the modern economy – Māori Art to the World – Developing a professional practice…the paisley affect – maintaining integrity of Māori Art…intellectual property…