Fluid City

Fluid City by Charlotte Šunde and Alys Longley

Fluid City

Fluid City is a SCANZ 2015 project, shown here is the version at James Cook High School, Manurewa, 16 October 2014. Photo by James Hutchinson.

For the SCANZ 2015 residency, we propose to redevelop the Fluid City content in relation to the local environment and cultures of the Taranaki region. This will be developed in the form of a short water film (for the roving cinema); interviews and stories from locals including tangata whenua from Parihaka marae, farmers, school children, artists, musicians, poets and other residents; and fragments of creative writing or environmental sound (for the roving vessel of stories); and fresh water samples collected from streams and other significant waterways around the Taranaki district (for the roving laboratory). We intend to gather this material in concert with and informed by the local hosts of the SCANZ residency.

In addition, a new site-specific choreographic performance (to be performed in and around the Fluid City site) will be created to accompany the water vessels. We will work with our hosts to attract locals to participate in the dance performance work, guided by a dance teacher from the Fluid City collective. Fluid City creates a space where the general public can engage informatively with ideas and issues around water sustainability, and can also contribute their knowledge and questions through, for example, writing postcards for display or telling stories which are then recorded and added to an interactive audio installation.

Fluid City is an installation for diverse communities of all ages that brings alive issues of water sustainability through a roaming science lab, cinema and vessel of stories. The project is a mobile and transportable art-science collaboration that brings researchers into contact with members of the public in ways that are informative, interactive and inventive. This work invites visitors into embodied engagements, to discover through kinaesthetic, tactile, auditory, visual and interrelational modes. It takes the form of three cupboard-like vessels (that we refer to as ‘roving reservoirs’) towed by bicycles. Each of the three vessels has a unique emphasis.

One is a mini-cinema that invites the passers-by to come in close and peer through a diving mask into the vessel to view a film about water. The film is a three-minute animation featuring water in a variety of abstract and functional forms (the reservoir, mountain stream, flowing across the road, entering a stormwater drain, spilling into its sink/the harbour or ocean), including mundane, everyday uses (irrigating the garden, boiling peas, taking a shower). Few words are employed. The moving image has proven captivating to all ages.

A second vessel is a scientific mini-laboratory that enables participants to test water samples collected from local waterways. The reconstructed mobile laboratory houses a powerful microscope and a range of test tubes on display. Participants don white lab coats and select a test tube sample, identifying its source from an accompanying map of the collection sites in their local catchment. The audience will be guided by a qualified microbiologist who can explain what is typically invisible to the naked eye: the microbial worlds of their waterways as active, colourful, alive – explaining differences in water quality that distinguish a forested stream from a polluted waterway.

The third vessel provides a space for people to sit (on upturned buckets with cushions) and listen through headphones to different voices sharing a variety of stories, poems, songs and scientific explanations about water in its myriad forms. The audience is also invited to share their personal memories and concerns about water through writing or drawing on postcards (which we will design) and to then contribute this writing to a kind of washing line set up along the river-side space. This will create a tapestry of stories, issues, thoughts and pictures of water reflecting a multiplicity of meanings and ideas.

SCANZ2015 confirmed dates

Dates for SCANZ2015:water*peace have been confirmed, with participants arriving on the 17th of January 2015 and departing on February 2nd 2015.

The first night will be spent in Nga Motu New Plymouth so that participants can travel by van and car to Parihaka, leaving around 8am on Saturday the 18th. As a special feature of SCANZ 2015, we will be staying overnight. We return to the WITT campus on Sunday afternoon, for a first meet up at the WITT campus.

The final weekend of SCANZ occurs on the 31st of January and the 1st of February 2015 with participants departing on Monday the 2nd of February.


“Parihaka, depicted in this painting by George Clarendon Beale (1856–1939), was New Zealand’s largest Maori community by 1881. Its prophets attracted followers from around the country.” Source:http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/parihaka-painting, (Ministry for Culture and Heritage). CC-BY-NC

SCANZ 2015:water*peace to begin at Parihaka

water*peace is set to commence at the settlement of Parihaka, on the 18th of January 2015. The 18th and 19th of each month are set aside by the Taranaki community, to celebrate their prophets of peace, Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi.

SCANZ participants will join the community of Parihaka in this celebration. It will be noho marae, meaning the stay will be overnight. Kaumatua (elder) of Parihaka Ruakere Hond, has asked that the participants collectively present their thoughts and feelings on peace to the community on the Saturday night, a great honour.

Previously at SCANZ 2013, participants visited on both days. The noho marae presents a deepening of association. Some of the Aotearoa participants have iwi (tribe), hapu (sub-tribe) or whanau (family) links and are hoping to work with members of the community on projects.

The Parihaka story

It is the 5th of November 1881. “The Europeans are expecting a bloody battle. In the build-up to the invasion, some of the men have been sitting around the campfires boasting about who is going to shoot the first Maori.

On the other side, the 2000 people of Parihaka have been expecting the troops. In preparation, the women have baked 500 loaves of bread to share with their visitors.”

The events at Parihaka that fateful year, are a significant part of the history of Aotearoa New Zealand. The response of Maori under the guidance and leadership of Te Whiti o Rongomai and Tohu Kakahi has been inspirational to peace movements led by people such as Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr. The episode is also defining for local iwi (tribes), and is significant to many New Zealanders.

The words quoted above are from a piece of insightful writing by Virginia Winder from her article for Puke Ariki’s website. Thanks to Jo Tito for forwarding the link to Virginia’s article.


The Parihaka story
Parihaka painting from the Ministry of Culture and Heritage site
Te Whiti and Tohu on Te Ara, the encyclopedia of New Zealand pages on Maori prophets
Waitangi Tribunal report (includes Maori perspective of events)


Artists at Parihaka

SCANZ 2013:3rd nature residency artists and Parihaka hosts outside Te Raanui, a whare kai (house for eating). The visit to Parihaka set the 2013 residency off to an excellent beginning. In 2015, we will stay overnight.


Call for projects



Water is essential to survival, revered and respected worldwide for its power, curative and creative abilities. Water as a resource has become intensely politicised and monetised, in contrast to the view that access to fresh water is a fundamental human right. Peace is also essential to the sustainability of humans on Earth. Join us to discuss and put forward positive, connecting views on water and peace that engages our community. This is the first call for projects and residency with submissions due November 8, 2013 (this allows for planning and fundraising). Read more…

Noho marae

SCANZ2015: water*peace will be the fifth SCANZ residency and starts in January 2015. It will commence with noho marae (overnight stay) at Parihaka, world renowned as a site of peaceful protest. The stay coincides with the 18th and 19th, when Te Whiti and Tohu, leaders of the peace movement are celebrated.

Open residency

This will be followed by a two week open, creative and interdisciplinary residency. It is our hope that tangata whenua, indigenous peoples, New Zealanders and other global citizens will be able to take part.

We are suggesting that artists, environmentalists, technologists, scientists, writers, performers, dancers and people interested in the positive aspects of water and peace, all take part. Anyone can submit a project in one or more of the categories listed further down this page.

Temporary works in public space

We would like to have five to seven temporary works in public space, shown for one day or overnight on the final weekend of the residency. These will be sited along a river walkway. No power will be provided at the sites, so solar, wind, and water powered projects are suitable (battery and static install are two further options).

Day of public activities about water, water quality and peace

We are seeking proposals for a day of activities that engage our local community in issues around water and peace.

Night time building projections

We are seeking projection works about water or peace, to be projected on to the side of a local building in the evening.

Online exhibition

Links to water and peace resources online will be collated. Included will be a curated selection of online projects about water and/or peace.


On the final weekend of the residency there will be a SCANZ hui. Day one is at WITT, the local polytechnic and allows for presentations that require technology, the internet, projectors etc. Day two is a walking symposium to view the artworks and have thematic discussions in the environment of the river walkways.

A separate call for hui/symposium presentations will be made at a later date, through the same application page on Easy Chair.

Categories of projects

Water and/or Peace residency and temporary public work (residency with public exhibition project)
Water and/or Peace residency (residency without an exhibited project)
Water and/or Peace temporary public work (no residency, public exhibition project)
Public activity day project
Night time projection on building
Online exhibition
Pure research


Applicants should download the pdf application form by clicking the link below. This should be filled out and attached to the application made at EasyChair.

IMPORTANT: Fill out the SCANZ application pdf first, then go to Easy Chair and make yourself a log in. After entering your contact information, project title and submission abstract (max  500 words, target 350) with keywords, tick the appropriate category and topic. Upload the completed SCANZ pdf form in the field that says ‘Paper’. In the field that says ‘Attachment’ upload a  .pdf, .doc, .docx or .txt which contains a a one page CV and a project image.

A two stage process will be used. Successful applicants will then be able to apply for accommodation and/or food subsidies from Intercreate. It will also be possible to apply for micro budgets for the public event one day of activities and river walkway art works.

This first call for applications is due on November 8, 2013. While this is early, it will allow successful applicants to commence planning and fundraising. A second call will be made at a later date.


Useful links

Background to the project and issues of water and peace.

This short video is made by the people of Parihaka about Parihaka.

Pdf SCANZ2015 Application Form. Right click and download the form, open it in Acrobat and fill it out (Mac users, you cannot use Preview, it has to be Acrobat). Then attach the SCANZ form to your EasyChair submission.

EasyChair submission page.

media art projects

Intercreate is commissioning two innovative art works, to be realised in 2014. The Media Art Projects aim to inspire artists and creative teams to think boldly about combinations of cultural ideas and contemporary media technologies, that could be implemented in public space and/or Pukekura Park. These projects are open to Aotearoa New Zealand artists here and abroad.

SCANZ2013:tomo whakaari


Te Huirangi Waikerepuru at this mornings Tomo Whakaari. Beside him is Tengaruru Wineera. Terri Ripeka Crawford choreographed a special accompaniment to the traditional ceremony. Voices from all filled the morning air.



Live cyanobacteria cultured by artist-scientist Hideo Iwasaki is placed into specimen jars in preparation for exhibition

The image above shows preparation work for the 3rd nature exhibition in Puke Ariki. The cyanobacteria was cultured by artist-scientist Professor Hideo Iwasaki of Waseda University, Japan. Professor Iwasaki grows the cyanobacteria in a form derivative of humans, with a head, body, arms and legs.

The cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria, and are ancestors to chloroplasts in plants. A chloroplast captures energy from the sun, and it is said that cyanobacteria helped to make Earth suitable for life. While on exhibition at Puke Ariki the cyanobacteria will be growing slowly, over a period of two months. Instead of the sun, the bacteria will photosynthesise with the light from an animation projected on to them from below.

The work of art and science raises several questions about the boundaries of life and our relationship to living plants. As Professor Iwasaki says: “They will be living at an interface which is hard to be called artificial or natural, drawing complicated patterns, and die.”

SCANZ2013: Geolocating

Nga Motu Marine Reserve society

Today’s workshop was held in the venue to be used at WITT for the wananga-symposium. Our guest were Mike Ure, Elise Smith and Anne Scott of the Nga Motu Marine Reserve Society. Mike is also part of the Ahu Ahu beach group.

Mike Ure

Mike Ure talked about Maori understanding of the local coastal area

Elise Smith spoke about the little blue penguin project. The society has been gathering data on the penguins, and placing it online using maps. The aim is for Maori knowledge and creative projects to be added to the same online map.

Elise Smith spoke about the little blue penguin project. The society has been gathering data on the penguins, and placing it online using maps. The aim is for Maori knowledge and creative projects to be added to the same online map.

Anne Scott

Anne Scott from the Marine Society discussing the aims of society projects. Thanks to Martin Drury for the images.

SCANZ 2013: harakeke-flax-raranga-weaving


Photograph by Terri Ripeka Crawford


Today the residency theme was harakeke/raranga (flax/weaving). Jo Tito led the day with a local weaver. First up was harakeke gathering then some making. The image above was taken using a lens provided by Deborah Lawler-Dormer.


Photo by Tracey Benson

Jo tito and Mako Jones, who led the day, gathering the harakeke. Part of the day involved hearing what harakeke means to Maori.


Photo by Tracey Benson


Nigel Helyer and Darko Fritz at Puniho with woven works.