Entries by Jo Tito

Computational Visualization of the Electromagnetic Sensory World of Sharks – Mike Paulin

One strand of my current research is about how the shark’s electrosensory system evolved, from simple(r) creatures that drifted with the ocean currents, gathering small amounts of information that enabled them to alter the probability of where they ended up, to sophisticated creatures extracting every bit of information from every available channel in the environment and picking a path through it. Seems to me there’s a story there, about art and science and storytelling as ways of seeing and navigating.

psworld – Julian Oliver

  psworld 2010/11, Julian Oliver, Software and hardware psworld is work of ‘philosoftware’. It began as a modification of the utility, ‘ps’, found on all UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems. ps is used by people and programs to quickly sort and print a table of processes that are running on a computer. psworld maps these […]