Entries by Ian Clothier

SCANZ2013:the biotechnologies of the 3rd Nature

Make, Do, Mend and Hack (MDMH) the biotechnologies of the 3rd Nature Author: Brian Degger Abstract A Paper on The Biotechnologies you already Live with, and the Ones you Should. We propose that next ecology sees it’s citizens embracing biotechnology from the point of view of having ‘the good life’. There is already a group […]

SCANZ2013:Un Litro de Agua

Un Litro de Agua Authors: Ana Terry, Don Hunter Abstract Number 8 Collective (Ana Terry and Don Hunter) will present part of their collaborative community arts-based project, Un Litro de Agua, undertaken during their arts residency in Medellin, Colombia in 2012. The Un Litro de Agua premise was to initiate discussion and critical thinking around […]

SCANZ2013:the very loud chamber orchestra of endangered species

The very loud chamber orchestra of endangered species Author: Pinar Yoldas Abstract Modern technology and culture has disconnected us from the rest of the world’s biota. Having built entirely man-made environments, we have distanced ourselves from the rest of the organisms on the planet. Having created the technology to control nature, we have alienated ourselves […]


Balance-Unbalance: Arts + Science x Technology = Environment / Responsibility

We are living in a world reaching a critical point where the equilibrium between a healthy environment, the energy our society needs to maintain or improve this lifestyle and the interconnected economies could pass more quickly than expected from the current complex balance to a complete new reality where unbalance would be the rule and human beings would need to be as creative as never before to survive.

The arts could become a powerful tool of awareness and transformation in times of ecological threats, economic uncertainty and political complexity. Artists, scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians, sociologists, engineers, management and policy experts were sharing their knowledge, debating over different perspectives, exploring new projects and starting to build paths with the intent of engendering awareness and creating lasting intellectual working partnerships in solving our global environmental crisis during two conferences, one organized in Buenos Aires (2010) and the other in Montreal (2012). This panel explores outcomes and ideas from both conferences and introduces the framework for Balance-Unbalance 2013 (Future Nature, Future Culture[s]) hosted by Noosa Biosphere in Queensland, Australia.


SONIC ECOLOGIES: Practice-led intersections of sound art, science and technology in global communities Author: Leah Barclay Abstract The dramatic advancement of technology has truly cultivated a paradigm shift in how artists interact in both physical and virtual worlds. These changes have evolved and expanded our tools of expression but most importantly they have opened the […]

SCANZ2013:Making Sense of Data

Echology: Making Sense of Data Author: Vicki Sowry Abstract We live in a culture of pervasive and ever-increasing amounts of data. Collection systems, both public and private, track who we are, what we do and how we live our lives. Beyond mere accumulation, data publication and analysis tools enable critical and creative approaches to data […]

SCANZ2013:Logics of nature

Logics of nature-driven technologies in a place Called America Author: Gabriel Vanegas Abstract The incomplete and misleading version of American history built from a Western perspective and post-colonial Americans, with its neglect of the rich history of pre-Columbian civilizations, has led me to deep research of possible logics and media-archeological evidence, that will give us […]

SCANZ2013:Art in the Anthropocene

Comprehending Complexity: Art in the Anthropocene Author: Josh Wodak Abstract Climate change challenges the limits of human comprehension of causality and complexity, particularly the space-time dimensions of local vs global actions-and-consequences in the here-and-now vs distant future. This presentation concerns how art about the Anthropocene may facilitate public understandings of science, particularly the complexity of […]

SCANZ2013:liberation starts right here

Social work by it’s nature is ecological; the role of a social worker is to consider the person in their environment. Social work is about the “connectedness of the world” (Payne, 2005, p. 154), integration, relationships, developing safe and caring communities and working towards social justice… For people who are on the margins of society and socially excluded the ideas of critical theory and feminism encourage the use of consciousness raising, and education in the broadest sense, as a way of making sense of the world they live in, both the physical and social and as a tool of liberation. Exploring the link between the abuse of the environment, of which there are examples within this area, and the abuse and oppression of people allows ‘space’ for people to consider their own lives within their political, social and historical context. Making the personal, that is the lived experience, political, creates an emancipatory force which seeks change (Freire, 1993).