Camphouse Venue for Water, Peace, Power Hui
About the Camphouse
The venue for the Water, Peace, Power 2016 hui-symposium will be the Camphouse on Mount Taranaki which affords spectacular views of Taranaki and the central North Island on clear days. On the day of visiting (September 17), the was a rain lower below the Camphouse and a cloud layer above, over Taranaki maunga (mountain) peak.
We have so many things to discuss. Under the conditions of contemporary technology, using a 12volt car battery and an inverter it is possible to connect a laptop, data projector and sound system in the bush, far from gridded electricity. This immediately provokes the question: what is an ethically correct approach to placing art works in the environment? What concerns should we have for plants, animals, insects and birds when placing art works off grid in the environment?
A protocol for art works in the environment is therefore needed, and tangata whenua, scientists, environmentalists, the public and creatives are invited to take part.
Friday 29th January
Everyone needs to arrive on Friday 29th – we can arrange to meet people from the various transit points of airport and bus depot. There will be a shared meal, and arriving Friday means we can have a full day Saturday.
Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st January
Through these days, conversation leaders will take those gathered through a range of topics and diverse perspectives on the human relationship to the environment. Protocols, approaches and policies in regard to placing works in the environment will also be discussed.
Monday February 1st to Friday February 5th
On Monday we will leave the mountain and head to the WITT campus to settle into accommodation for the week, and be introduced to the studio space. The residency period involves workshops using 5 volt, 12 volt and solar powered art works. The full range of creative practices are allowed – from electronic art, to dance and performance, to the literary arts, philosophy and science.
Saturday February 6th
This is a day to test placing residency works in the environment.
Sunday February 7th
Works will be presented for the public to view.