3rd nature: Te Huirangi Waikerepuru

The chart of “Te Taiao Maori”, made for exhibition in Istanbul is in this version shown in Rio de Janeiro, animated with the star imagery of Paul Moss in the background.
At Intercreate we are privileged to work with Dr Te Huirangi Waikerepuru. Dr Waikerepuru was been instrumental in getting Maori language – Te Reo – recognised, played a leading role in submissions on the radio spectrum (which led to Maori radio and Maori television) and currently is being pivotal in sharing knowledge among the world’s community. This is particularly important at this time, because many believe that listening to the indigenous voice on the subject of environment is central to resolving issues of climate change.
The animated version of Te Taiao Maori shares some of the traditional knowledge of Maori.